Teenage Dream

No! No! I am not about to say anything on the Katy Perry’s music album. Every teen try to have their own secrets that they try to keep along with them. They trust their secrets with only those whom they blindly trust. In most cases, teens most trusted people are their friends from schools
This stage in a boy or girls life is the transitional stage of psychological and physical development in the route to adulthood. In most case we see a difference in cultural expression which sometimes can be lethal. The end of teens and the beginning of adulthood makes an impression in the society, where the entrust them with different milestones, may it be your driving license or your right to vote. Teenage accompanies increased independence from parents’ and guardian’s supervision. Some people argue that adolescence is entirely a social invention, and that the way in which we divide the life cycle into stages is nothing more than a reflection of the political, economic and social circumstances in which we live.
At this stage their body undergoes both intensive and extensive change, sexual maturation being the prime change that comes to them. As these changes come with visual difference some teens also find it difficult to understand due to lack of knowledge about sexual behaviour of the body in most countries. Sexual maturation is the part and parcel of a person’s life but, for it is just that they need themselves to be informed about what is coming next. This makes them a better acquainted to tomorrow.
Social development is also included in the all round development of the teen enroute to adulthood. The teenage is supposed to be the most important of all in this phase of life. Because, since being a human makes it a compulsory criterion for us to stay in a society, which is a conglomeration of a lot of people. It’s in our nature to stay connected to each other but if, because of any barrier that does come into effect we call it unsocial.
Teenage marks the start of different changes in our physiological structure with changes in hormonal secretion of the body. All of these begin with a surge in hormone production, which in turn causes number of physical changes. At this stage, the child develops secondary sex characteristics such as deeper voice in males and development of breasts in females.
Along with the newly earned mental and psychological maturity, the self consciousness increases, why we start taking care of ourselves and others. Girl’s early maturation lead to increased self consciousness, but girls approaching puberty can feel insecure at this stage development. Pubescent boys, however tend to have a good body image, are more confident, secure and more independent.
Romantic relationships suddenly increase in prevalence throughout this phase. A 2002 American study found that those aged 15–44 reported that the average age of first sexual intercourse was 17.0 for males and 17.3 for females. The typical duration of relationships increases throughout the teenage years as well. This constant increase in the likelihood of a long-term relationship can be explained by sexual maturation and the development of cognitive skills necessary to maintain a romantic bond.


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