CARBON as we know is a part of the environment in and around us. Our environment is being destroyed everyday by different elements may it be the artificial causes of the humans or the natural pollution.

A group of young like minded people therefore, in association with the Center for Environment Education (CEE), North Eastern Region India has come forward to join hands with with the youth of the locality to serve the cause for a  "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT".

CARBON- Youth engaged in sustainability

This g non-profitable group was founded as a youth initiative for sustainability by the end of 2011 in Guwahati, India which was guided and supported by CEE.

CARBON wants the youth to be given a proper opportunity and space to think further for a sustainable cause. It provides the platform to the youth of the locality so as to express their ideas and hopes. The utmost goal of CARBON is to change the attitude of the people towards a sustainable lifestyle.

For more on  click here


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