So it begins..

I've been thinking about starting my own blog for a long time, but never knew what should I write about, and actually I still don't. So, even with all of this indecision madness going on, I decide to give it a go.

I suppose one thing that many people do before writing their own very first blog post is to do a Google search on the topic, and I for my surprise I found many people writing about the very first blog post.Either way, I think the main reason for me to start writing this blog is to find a place where I can express myself, talk about the things on my mind and things I like, but to be entirely honest, I'm not sure if I have something interesting enough to become a regular blogger.

Well, there's still much to come, and I'm sure this will be quite an interesting experience. I'm sure I'll will end up learning a lot with it, and perhaps you'll learn something by reading my blog too.


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