Homo Sapiens -Our Future
Let us start off with this article by asking ourselves a question.How would humans look like a hundred thousands years from today??????Other than the ‘2012’ fans I think most of us would agree on a figure straight out of an alien movie!There would be an imaginative few who would add some innovative exoskeletons and tails,other people modest enough might suggest that we would look just like humpty-dumpty,but I am certain that a big head and a crooked posture would simply be a chartbuster.The reasoning is supported by the idea that human today do more mental work than physical.But could we all be wrong??? Atleast the big brain theory is.The fossil record of skull sizes over the past several thousand generations shows that our days of rapid increase in brain size are long over!!So we have no big head is in store for us for the future and a major physical reshuffle is also unlikely.Does that actually mean that we have stopped evolving?No, not so.Scientistssay on the basi...