
Showing posts from April, 2013

C++ program (for beginners)

All this time we have been blogging about various incidents happening in an around us and you. But, today i realized that we should not just concentrate upon or talk about tech all the time cause, it would make us seem monotonous. When we started this blog, we wanted it to be universal in terms of content. So, shouldn't we also have fun?   Here is  a C++ program that you could type on to your C++ compiler to "Calculate difference between two date " . If you are thinking how would you do it if you do not have a C(or C++) compiler then here is the download link: Click to DOWNLOAD #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class date {     int day,month,year;     public:          date()          {             cout<<"Enter day month year...";             cin...

River in space

Scientists in NASA have discovered a extra-terrestial river system in Saturn’s moon titan which resembles Nile and is said to be a miniature version of Nile. The river has a length of more than 400 kilometres.   In comparison the Nile river has a length of about 6700 kilometres.  Titan is the only other body in this solar system apart from Earth to have a cycle of liquids on its surface. The liquids in titan are mainly composed of hydrocarbons which includes methane and ethane.